The World of Sam and Max...

This page is dedicated to providing basic descriptions of Sam & Max's world + some of the bizarre individuals who inhabit it. Think of it as a "Hitchhiker's Guide to Sam & Max", if you will. This page will provide you with basic information about the franchise, freeing you to go ahead and hitch a ride with any of the other pages on this site that happen to catch your eye.

What is Sam & Max?

Wikipedia describes the Sam & Max series as: " American media franchise about Sam and Max, a pair of anthropomorphic vigilante private investigators. The characters, who occupy a universe that parodies American popular culture, were created by Steve Purcell in his youth, and later debuted in a 1987 comic book series. The characters have since been the subject of a graphic adventure video game developed by LucasArts, a television series produced for Fox in cooperation with Nelvana Limited, and a series of episodic adventure games developed by Telltale Games. In addition, a variety of machinima and a webcomic have been produced for the series."

...however, Wikipedia is like the Encyclopedia Galactica of the internet. Usually accurate (when finicky trolls don't get involved), but quite boring. And Sam & Max don't do boring!

So... who even are these guys?

Meet the Freelance Police!

This is Sam!

This is Max!